Individual Support Grant Impact Forum
First in a series of programs designed to nurture conversation and exchange among Gottlieb Foundation Grant recipients.
Wednesday, July 31 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm EST
"How has the Individual Support Grant impacted recipients’ lives and artistic development? Join five Individual Support Grant recipients for a discussion of opportunities as a result of the award and how can it be sustained."
Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation
Carnegie Arts Center
Firing Imagination: Contemporary Ceramics & Glass
A juried exhibition highlighting the demanding technical aspects and the wide variety of creative exploration possible in these challenging media. Works in glass or ceramic technique, including mixed media works that feature glass or ceramics, were considered by well-known artists Susannah Israel and Otto Rigan, with 51 works by 26 artists selected for the exhibition.
In Susannah Israel's sculptures, mythos manifests when water and earth meet to create beautiful clay forms in joyful, kinetic connection. =Curator Charles Lee
2024 Archie Bray Visiting Artist
“寓言”(以上) 于 1994 年在 CSU Bakersfield 制造和安装。它代表了该地区的文化和历史。正如 Faith Ringgold 著名地告诉我们的那样,个人就是政治。我因我的工作获得了 510.0rg 的奖励,该工作挑战了种族、性别和文化的概念。最重要的是,有人告诉我数百次,人们在我的作品中看到了他们自己的故事。
“Susannah Israel 的“Le Sacre du Printemps”充满活力的热色调和纹理,饱和色彩从人物的手溢出到钢琴键盘上。奥克兰艺术家直观的讲故事方法被转化为三个维度。”
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“屡获殊荣的加州艺术家 Susannah Israel 的创作反映了对我们集体过去的深刻理解。” Deanna Selene
“这些作品有广阔的风景,需要密切关注。每件作品(都是)邀请与观众进行长时间对话。 我想和他们一起出去玩,拉起椅子,了解他们并听听关于他们的故事——比如I feel when I read a good book." _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5 cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 琳达法赫 /2011/04/susannah-israel-workshopsolo-exhibition.html
“我喜欢 Susannah Israel 的粘土表达的绝对性。”
Kari Christensen,弗莱彻挑战赛,新西兰
Susannah Israel 从出生起就是活动家,是一位艺术家、作家和教育家,肩负着追求真理的使命。以色列富有表现力的作品在世界各地被广泛展示和收藏。她的寓言雕塑质疑种族、性别和文化的假设。以色列于 2000 年开始撰写艺术评论,以支持和展示被画廊和博物馆排斥的人才。在莱尼学院任教期间(2001-2018 年),尽管她是一名没有保险的辅助人员,但她强烈主张为所有学生提供建议、编写课程并担任主席。 Israel 在旧金山州立大学获得文学学士和艺术硕士学位,并且是美国有史以来唯一一位获得 Fletcher Challenge Premier Award 的艺术家。她是奥克兰的长期居民。