Resume Highlights
2024 Invited Artist Residency, Archie Bray Foundation. Voulkos Fellowship.
2023 Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation Award
2022 "Pervasive Innovation: 60 Years of California Sculpture," Carnegie Arts Center invitational exhibition. Gave artist talk at the opening reception.
Featured in Ceramics Now
2021 "Alla We," art installation about "coming outside" after COVID-19.
2020 "Asolas: working in quarantine" art installation made under isolation.
2019 "In Concert" art installation about music, community and performance.
2020 Juror, Firing the Imagination, Carnegie Arts Center, April - May 2020.
2020 United States Artist Grant. United States Artists (USA) is the nonprofit coalition partner accepting all contributions on behalf of the Artist Relief Fund
2019 Susannah Israel "SOURCES & SYNTHESIS" Mendocino Art Center. May 23–26, 2019
2018 "The Figure In Clay," Clay Center of New Orleans, Louisiana. https://www.nolaclay.org/exhibitions.html
2018 "Ray Gonzales: "Telling" Stories." Review of the artist in Ceramics: Art & Perception, Issue #109
2018 Composed music for interactive installation, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City. https://www.utahmoca.org/portfolio/justin-watson-permadeath/
2002 -2018 Professor of Art, Laney & Merritt Colleges, Oakland, California. Adjunct, half-time position. Collaboration is the heart of my practice. I have written, team-taught and mentored eight people in eleven different courses. I received a award for distinguished faculty service in curriculum.
2018 Visiting Artist, California State University East Bay, Hayward, California
2017 Visiting Artist, San Jose City College Art Department, San Jose, California
2017 Published original compositions on Susannah Israel/Soundcloud, following two years of studying theory and composition, maintaining rigorous practice periods and weekly instruction. https://soundcloud.com/israelkinglassell/caravan
2016 Reading with KGPC Radio, Oakland. “Susannah Israel is an artist, writer and educator in east Oakland. She reads three of her published articles about art, life and music.” May 19, 2016. Art Critic and Ceramics Professor Susannah Israel — KGPC 96.9 FM
2016 Guest Curator, California State University East Bay, Annual Juried Student Exhibition.
2015 “Poseidon’s Daughter: an exhibition of stoneware sculpture” solo exhibition by Susannah Israel, Oakland Museum of Ceramics, October - December 2015
2014 - 2016 "Procession" solo exhibition of sculpture, October 2014 - December 2016. Laney College, Tower Building Atrium, Oakland California. view the exhibition
2013 “Clay Artist Connects Understanding of Our Past with Vision for Enlightened Future”
2013 Susannah Israel: Reading with WE ARE YOU International Project, Joyce Gordon Gallery, Oakland. Aug 3, 2013. https://www.weareyouproject.org/joyce-gordon-gallery
2011- 2012 Artist in Residence, Black Bean Ceramic Art Center, San Jose, California. Generously funded by Mission Clay Art & Industry. Presented two solo exhibitions, “Susannah Israel: New Work” at Black Bean, and “Darwin’s Atoms” at SMAart Gallery in San Francisco. www.mcpart.org/susannah-israel/
2011-2013 Exhibiting artist, lecturer and organizer, Ceramics Annual of America
The Ceramics Annual of America was held in San Francisco, 2011 - 2013. Israel focused on education, community outreach, wrote catalog essays for each exhibition, and put together three events:
2011 - Led panel discussion with Philip Linhares, Jim Melchert and Raymond Gonzales on culture and art.
2012 - Presented “Sources & Synthesis” invitational panel of 5 artists discussing their cultural visual influences. https://www.ceramicsnow.org/archive/ceramics-annual-of-america-2012-exhibition-and-art-fair/
2013 - Gave a demonstration of sculpting a narrative scene, creating lifesize figures and animals in an afternoon.
2011 Susannah Israel: Jentel Critic at Archie Bray. This unique collaboration between two residency programs brings a critic to Archie Bray in Montana each year to write catalog essays for the artists’ culminating exhibitions. Israel is the only person to have been both writer and artist in residence at Archie Bray Foundation.
2010 - 2018 Resident Artist Director, Oakland Museum of Ceramics, Oakland, California. https://oaklandmuseumofceramicspress.wordpress.com/all-about-omoc/
2004 Artist in Residence, Mission Clay Art & Industry, Kansas factory. Honored with restarting the program in a single, two-week work session, carving and painting 12 massive industrial terracotta pipe sculptures, now sited around the US. "Working at Mission Clay"
2002 NCECA Scholarship, Summer Artist in Residence, Archie Bray Foundation. Created permanent sited sculpture "Tea@ArchieBray" 2002-present.
Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition "First Person Plural." Received the Outstanding Graduate Achievement Award, San Francisco State University
1999 1st Annual Ernie Kim Memorial Award and Exhibition for Sculpture, Richmond Art Center.
1996 - 2000 Gladding, Mcbean & Lincoln Arts Clayfest; Sculpting Monumental Terracotta.
"Indra's Net," 2000 in Gladding, McBean permanent collection.
1996 Korean Embassy Art Exhibition , Los Angeles California
1994 7th Annual Sculptor on Campus, CSU Bakersfield, Spring session. Created and installed "Allegory: to speak publicly," 5 life-size terracotta figures, 1994-2005.
1993 Premier Award, Fletcher Challenge Ceramic Awards, Susannah Israel is the only US artist to ever receive first place in the international exhibition.